Travel Journal

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In the world of travel, some hotels are destinations unto themselves. These exceptional establishments redefine the very essence of a journey, from their awe-inspiring locations to their commitment to conservation, stunning design, and profound local connections. Explore our handpicked selection of these remarkable hotels and let their stories inspire your next adventure.

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Your Guide to Sustainable Travel in Menorca, Spain
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Your Guide to Sustainable Travel in Menorca, Spain

At Good Trips, we support businesses that work to care for the environment, people, and minimize the impacts of tourism. Not so hard to find in Menorca. We have compiled a few of our top tips and favorite spots on this little, but big-hearted island in the Mediterranean. Read on for responsible and sustainable hotels, traditional meals with organic, local ingredients, and our favorite hidden beaches and how to access them.

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Why traveling locally is the new way to love the planet
Travel Tips katy hoogerwerf Travel Tips katy hoogerwerf

Why traveling locally is the new way to love the planet

Locally-inspired, supportive and conscious travel choices are what’s hot in the 2020’s. Over the years, access to travel and the ease of hopping continents has carved the path for a world that is more connected than ever before. Although we believe the benefits of international travel can outweigh its negative impact, we understand we need to be more conscious when packing our bags and booking those long-haul flights.

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