Effortless Reservations, Elevated Experiences
Ever wondered how some travelers secure the best rooms or enjoy those thoughtful extras during their stay?
In many cases, it's about who makes the booking for them. If you know where you're headed, Good Trips can level up your bookings, putting you on the hotel's priority list for those perks.
Discover how we make every stay that much better at no cost and save you time in the process.
If you're wondering why you'd want someone else to book your hotel, after all, booking can seem straightforward, we'll let you in on a little industry secret: Hotels roll out the red carpet for guests recommended by trusted travel advisors because they're eager for us to continue sending them great clients. We bridge that gap for you, transforming a regular stay into an experience filled with unexpected delights.
Here’s why it makes sense:
More Time for You
Just let us know your hotel of choice and your dates. We’ll take care of the details, ensuring you don't need to worry about the intricacies of booking—complimentary for bookings over €1000.
Good Trips Goodies
Our preferred status with top-tier networks and properties—such as Virtuoso, Belmond Bellini Club, Relais & Châteaux, and many others—ensure your stay is a priority. Expect complimentary breakfast, room upgrades, spa vouchers, and those personal touches that make all the difference.
Your Preferences Make the Difference
We communicate directly with management to share your likes, dislikes, and special requests, ensuring everything is just as you want it upon arrival.
Entrusting us with your reservations means more than just handling logistics; it's about freeing your mind from the clutter of pre-departure tasks. We provide timely reminders about your travel essentials—from passport renewals to packing lists—so you can focus on looking forward to your trip rather than managing its minutiae.
It's Complimentary
Offered at no additional cost to you for bookings valued at €1000 or more, this service comes full circle. Hotels are delighted to host our clients, you enjoy a stay that’s a notch above, and we're compensated for our efforts through the hotel—a win-win all round.
“I wouldn't dare book without her…”
“I'm a super-picky traveler who somehow always leaves travel arrangements for the very last minute. Katy is never flustered by my (many) requests and my travel experience has seriously leveled up since using her Tailored Booking service. She somehow manages to get me into the most gorgeous rooms at the chicest hotels. I wouldn't dare book without her!”
— Dr. Chaneve Jeanniton | Surgeon / Founder of epi.logic
Share your travel dates and hotel preferences here.
We’ll secure your hotel reservation and ensure the hotel is primed to make your stay special.
We'll make sure you're on top of all your planning with timely reminders, like passport renewals and packing lists.
Arrive and experience a hotel stay that's been thoughtfully prepared just for you.
The Independent Explorer
This offer is a hit with travelers who prefer to scout and select their accommodations solo but appreciate the advantages of being recognized as a priority guest. It's the best of both worlds: the fun of research (if that's fun for you), paired with the ease of not sweating the booking details.
First-Timers Curious About Travel Advisory
This is the perfect introduction for those who have never worked with a travel advisor and are curious about the advantages of doing so. It’s a chance to experience some of the benefits of professional travel planning without any upfront financial commitment.
Resourceful Travelers
For individuals who take pride in their savvy approach to travel, always seeking the best value to complement their travel style. This offer caters to travelers keen on maximizing their experiences, recognizing the unique benefits our service adds to their journeys—often including savings through special rates and/or complimentary breakfasts—but may not have the allocated budget for comprehensive planning.
Recognize yourself? Let’s tailor your next trip.
Opting for Good Trips means selecting a travel partner who gets you. Our approach is personal—we build relationships, getting to know your travel style and preferences, to ensure every trip is not just booked but thoughtfully arranged.
Consider this an investment in freeing up your time and elevating your life's experiences. You're spending hard earned money on travel—so let’s make it count.
Complimentary for bookings over €1000
Meet Katy
Good Trips is led by Katy Hoogerwerf, whose background in design, ecotourism, hospitality, and wellness shapes her distinct approach to travel design. Katy excels at working alongside travelers in a way that naturally complements busy lifestyles, taking care of the intricate planning details while leaving the joy of anticipation to her clients.
Supported by a globally curated and value-driven network of hotels, local experts, and tour operators, Katy and her team elevate travel planning into an art form, setting new standards in hospitality, authentic local interactions, and impeccable service.
Ready for an Elevated Stay?
If you’re seeking a hotel booking that delivers upleveled treatment with zero hassle, request your Tailored Booking today.
Already booked your hotel?
Many of our clients discover the benefits of Good Trips after they've secured their reservations. In this case, we can offer a service known as a 'takeover booking.'
Simply email us your reservation confirmation, and we'll handle the rest. We'll contact the hotel on your behalf to ensure you receive all the perks and advantages of booking through Good Trips, even if your initial reservation wasn't made with us.
Please note, in certain situations, such as bookings made months before, hotels that are not within our partnered network, or trips coming up in just a few weeks, takeover bookings might not be feasible. Regardless, we're always happy to review your situation and explore the possibilities.